Is Mark Hamill related to Sebastian Stan?
Is Mark Hamill related to Sebastian Stan? Plus, it turns out Stan has a special bond with his real-life hero, Hamill. “Mark Hamill is my father, you know, and he knows that,” Stan added. “I call him every Christmas to tell him, ‘Just want you to know I’m around.
Does Sebastian Stan want to play Luke Skywalker? Sebastian Stan has not ruled out rumours that he will play Luke Skywalker in a future Star Wars project. Speaking in a new interview with Esquire, Stan responded to fan demands that he play Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian. “Look, it’s really kind,” he said. “Never say never.”
Who is the next Luke Skywalker? The young actor, Grant Feely, will play Luke in the series. To celebrate a new Luke Skywalker entering the fray, Mark Hamill took to social media to congratulate the soon-to-be star. “Grant Feely looks like a perfect Luke Skywalker,” Hamill posted on Twitter yesterday.
Will they recast Luke Skywalker? Kathleen Kennedy: Lucasfilm Won’t Recast Luke Skywalker, Saga Roles – The Hollywood Reporter.