How much did Jon Heder make on Napoleon Dynamite?
How much did Jon Heder make on Napoleon Dynamite? Trivia (53) Jon Heder drew all of the drawings in the movie except the unicorn. Jon Heder was paid $1,000 to play Napoleon Dynamite. The movie grossed over $40 million in the United States.
How much did the actor Napoleon Dynamite make? “Napoleon Dynamite” star Jon Heder was only paid $1,000 when he was cast in the independent film. While he didn’t make much of a profit from his initial payday, things changed when the flick ended up being a hit.
How much did the movie Napoleon Dynamite?
Why was Napoleon Dynamite so successful? One of the reasons why Napoleon Dynamite works is because of its tone. Hess and his actors underplay everything. Similarities to the work of Wes Anderson may be coincidental, but they are present. In many ways, the comedy is funny because the actors aren’t playing the material for laughs.