Does Megan Fox have clubbed fingers?
Does Megan Fox have clubbed fingers? The medical term for Megan Fox’s ever so slightly misshapen thumb is brachydactyly, which is basically a fancy word for a clubbed thumb, according to local hand surgeons. “Literally, what it means is short finger,” says Dr. Steven Bendner, a hand surgeon at Beth Israel Medical Center.
What causes Megan Fox thumbs? The advertisers chose to use a thumb-double because Megan has brachydactyly, a genetic condition that causes her thumbs to be shortened, also known as “toe thumb” or “clubbed thumb” because of the stubby appearance.
What causes clubbed thumb? Clubbed fingers is a symptom of disease, often of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen. Diseases which cause malabsorption, such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease can also cause clubbing. Clubbing may result from chronic low blood-oxygen levels.
Can a clubbed thumb Be Fixed? The primary type of surgery for clubbed thumbs is an osteotomy. During an osteotomy, the bone is cut, and a bone grafting material is used to reshape the thumb, making it longer and narrower as needed.