What happened to Steve Perry Journey lead singer?
What happened to Steve Perry Journey lead singer? Perry took a hiatus, effectively dissolving the band he’d helped make famous. He did not disappear completely — there was a solo album in 1994, followed in 1996 by a Journey reunion album, “Trial by Fire.” But it wasn’t long before Mr. Perry walked away again, from Journey and from the spotlight.
When did Steve Perry quit singing for Journey? Perry left Journey in 1987, but he never had sustained success as a solo artist. After the commercial failure of his second solo album, he got back together with his former bandmates in the mid-Nineties.
Who is the new lead singer of Journey? The songs made famous by Steve Perry, Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain in the 1970s and 1980s still carry the same energy and emotion with lead singer Arnel Pineda, who joined the band in 2007.
What happened to Journey’s original drummer? On June 14, 2015, Castronovo was arrested for assault following a domestic dispute. He was later charged with rape, sexual abuse, coercion and unlawful use of a weapon. On August 10, Castronovo was officially fired from Journey.