Did Barry and Linda Gibb have children?
Did Barry and Linda Gibb have children? Barry and Linda have five children: Stephen (born 1973), Ashley (born 1977), Travis (born 1981), Michael (born 1984) and Alexandra (born 1991) and seven grandchildren and divide their time between their homes in Miami and England.
Is Barry Gibb still married to Linda Gray? Barry Gibb and Linda Gray tied the knot in 1970, and have spent five decades together since.
Who are Barry Gibbs children?
Barry Gibb/Children
Did any of the Gibb brothers have children? The Bee Gee, whose estate is reportedly worth more than $140 million, and Dwina Gibb have one son, Robin-John Gibb, 29. Robin Gibb also has two older children — a daughter, Melissa, 37, and a son, Spencer, 39, with his first wife, Molly Hullis.